Hawaii Tourism Authority helps expand sustainable kine certification
From da Land of Aloha – So da Hawai’i tourism guys (HTA) wen said today dat deh crankin out one 50 grand contract to da ecotourism guys (HEA) fo expand da kine sustainable aina no more rubbish kine certification.
Da sustainable la dat program is going all da islands brah, and dey like check da tours for pono kine stuffs. You know, like teach plenty culture, malama da aina, help da local makaainana/kanaka, stuffs la dat.
Da contract wen go to HEA cause those guys doin one good job ova dea pumpin up da green tour guys. Dat way de all be ready fo da International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s World Conservation Congress in Septemba. How’s dat for one long rice Congress name! Dis contract also gonna get da HEA guys all jazzed up wit new stuffs fo crank out certifications, make da websight all off da hook good, an plenty akamai training fo da green tour guys.
PLUS da HEA guys already wen start da whole ting going wit five tour guys already pau wit da kine Seal of Approval! Mean eh! So Da five guys is: Road to Hana Tours ova Maui side, Dolphins & You on Oahu, da Haleakala Bike Company kickin it upcountry Maui, Body Glove Cruises ova on da Big Island and Aloha Kayaks who cruisin Maui too. PLUS dea get 18 more tour guys who already wen bag some paypa dat say dey all good!
High mucky muck guy Bruddah Chris Barzman, HEA Board Member and head boss ova dea at da Certification Committee says; “We are excited and honored to build a more sustainable tourism sector in Hawaii. Tourism can have many positive benefits for local communities and natural environments when approached correctly. Tour operators that attain this certification have shown a dedication to this vision and we are proud to recognize their efforts,”
Da HEA guys like stoke all da businesses, locals, malihinis and visitors alike to false crack da websight button and give one shaka to da tour guys who are all ho’oponopono wit no more pilikai da aina la dat. If you like check um go www.hawaiiecotourism.org/travelpono.
Eh tanks gangy – Aloha Nui Loa and travel pono!
Haole Translation:
HAWAI‘I – The Hawaii Ecotourism Association (HEA) today announced the receipt of a $50,000 contract from the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) to expand its Sustainable Tour Certification Program.
The Certification Program is a statewide program designed to educate and recognize Hawaii’s tour operators who positively affect natural and cultural resources, contribute to conservation, and help sustain local communities.
The contract was awarded to HEA in an effort to highlight “Green, Eco-friendly & Sustainable” tour operators in preparation for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s World Conservation Congress to be held in September. The contract will allow HEA to expand their capacity for certifications, integrate sustainable tourism into the HTA website, and provide trainings for tour operators.
HEA has already begun the certification process, with five tour operators already attaining the Sustainable Tourism Seal of Approval. The five new tour operators are Valley Isle Excursions (Maui); Dolphins & You (Oahu); Haleakala Bike (Maui); Body Glove Cruises (Hawaii); Aloha Kayaks Maui (Maui). These are in addition the 18 other tour operators who already have attained certification.
“We are excited and honored to build a more sustainable tourism sector in Hawaii. Tourism can have many positive benefits for local communities and natural environments when approached correctly. Tour operators that attain this certification have shown a dedication to this vision and we are proud to recognize their efforts,” said Chris Barzman, HEA Board Member and Certification Committee Chair.
HEA encourages businesses, residents and visitors alike to contact them with any tour operators who are dedicated to the principles of sustainable tourism. For more information, go to www.hawaiiecotourism.org/travelpono.