10 December 2008

10 Steps for Maui Business Success in a Down Economy

By |December 10th, 2008|Hawaii, Hawaii Economy, Maui, Saving Money|Comments Off on 10 Steps for Maui Business Success in a Down Economy

Nowadays, it seems everyone in the world is suffering at least a little bit.  Maui and Hawaii are no exceptions.  After dealing with companies on Maui for many years now, we've identified some common traits that are keeping regular Maui business owners down, especially right now.  Here are a few things that you can do [...]

1 July 2008

The Current Hawaii Economy

By |July 1st, 2008|Hawaii, Hawaii Economy, Hawaii Flights, Maui, Maui Real Estate, Saving Money|Comments Off on The Current Hawaii Economy

Like most of the nation, our economy in Hawaii is taking a hit. Hawaii Real estate prices have steadied, but not fallen like those on the mainland. Thanks to the bankruptcies of both ATA and Aloha, the cost of flying to Hawaii has dramatically risen. This, combined with the rest of the nation's belt-tightening, has [...]